Compliance with laws and regulations
The Company operates in strict compliance with all applicable laws and uses its bestendeavours to make sure that all personnel also act in the same manner. Individuals are required to behave in full observance of the law, regardless of the context and type of activity conducted. This undertaking shall also apply to semi-independent contractors,independent contractors, external consultants, suppliers, customers and
all other parties who are in a relationship with the Company. |
Behavioural integrity
The Company undertakes to supply quality services and to compete on the market inaccordance with principles of transparency and free and fair competition, maintaining principled relations with all public sector, central government and local
government institutions, the local community and third-party companies. |
Rejection of all kinds of discrimination
In any and all decisions that are of relevance to its stakeholders (choice of customers, relations with equity holders, management of personnel, organisation of work duties,selection and management of suppliers, relations with the local community and with representing institutions), the Company avoids all kinds of discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, health, race, nationality, political opinions andreligious beliefs.
The same principle is adopted in all choices regarding the employment and/orengagement of personnel. Objective criteria may be used in the selection of suppliers and customers, without prejudice to the prescriptions of this Code. |
Respect for all human resources
The management of human resources is based on respect for their personal andprofessional worth, guaranteeing their physical and moral integrity. Personnel mustalways act respectfully towards all persons they might interact with for and on behalfof the Company, treating everyone fairly and with dignity.
The Company rejects all kinds of forced or child labour and does not tolerate violations of human rights. |
Fairness in the exercise of authority
In the management of contractual relationships that involve the establishment of ahierarchical relationship, the Company undertakes to exercise authority in a fair andimpartial manner, avoiding any form of abuse of its position of power.
The same values must be safeguarded when making decisions relating to the organisation of work duties. |
Protection of health, safety and the environment
The Company conducts its activities in a socially responsible and environmentallysustainable manner. It also makes sure to circulate correct and truthful information
regarding its activities. |
Non-ethical behaviour
Any behaviour, of any one person or organisation, seeking to obtain another party’s
cooperation through their position of power is not regarded as ethical and instigateshostile behaviour towards the Company. |
Correctness in contractual performance
Work contracts and letters of engagement must be performed in the mannerconsciously agreed by the parties. The Company undertakes not to take advantage
of any condition of ignorance or inability of the other party. |
Fair competition
The Company seeks to safeguard the values of fair competition and abstains fromengaging in any collusive or predatory behaviour or abusing its position of power. All parties working with the Company in their various capacities are forbidden from
taking part in any practices that are in contrast with the rules of fair competition |
between companies, without prejudice to any agreements, conventions or similarinstruments that may be adopted based on objective criteria. The Company is keen topromote and protect the concept of “Made in Italy” and, therefore, this feature
may be regarded favourably in any and all relationships with the Company. |
Maximisation of investmentin the Company
The Company uses its best endeavours to make sure that its results - including resultsof operations and financial results - maximise, inasmuch as possible, investments made by equity holders, albeit in the specific situation described in the introductionand in consideration of the type of activity conducted and the related
context. |
Transparent and comprehensive information
In the definition of agreements and other instruments regulating relations with thirdparties, the Company sets out the related provisions in a clear and comprehensible
manner. |
Protection of personal data
The Company collects and processes the personal data of customers, contractors,employees and other natural and/or legal persons. Personal data include allinformation that contributes to identifying an individual, whether directly or indirectly, and may include sensitive data, such as data on ethnic or racial origin and/or health. The Company undertakes to process such data within the limits and in accordance with the prescriptions of the applicable privacy legislation, with specific reference to ItalianLegislative Decree No. 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”) and the related annexes, as well as with the instructions of the Privacy Commissioner for the Protection of Personal Dataand the provisions of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 27 April 2016.
All company personnel who, as part of their work duties, are in charge of processingpersonal data, whether sensitive or not, must do so in compliance with the abovelegislation, as well as with any operating instructions given. The Company strives to raise the awareness of its personnel on this subject. |
Handling of information
All information regarding the other parties are handled by the Entity with the utmostconfidentiality. In particular:
− arrangements for the handling of information are put into place that are designedto ensure that roles and responsibilities are properly separated; − all information is classified according to its level of criticality and appropriatecountermeasures are adopted at all stages of handling − all third parties who are involved in the handling of the information are caused to sign confidentiality agreements as required. |
All persons must complete their work activities and/or services with diligence, efficiency and correctness, making the best possible use of the instruments and time made availableto them and assuming full responsibility in terms of fulfilment of
requirements. |
All persons must behave loyally towards the Company.
In the performance of their work activities, all persons are required to be fully familiarwith and diligently observe the Company’s organisational model and the applicable law.In no circumstances may the pursuit of the Company’s interest justify a dishonest
conduct or failure to comply with the law. |
No person may use any information, asset or equipment made available to him/her forthe performance of his/her function and/or duties for his/her personal purposes, except asduly authorised. No person may accept, or make, for and on behalf of himself/herself or others, any pressure, recomendation or suggestion that may cause prejudice to the Company or undue benefit for himself/herself, the Company or others. All persons rejectand no person will make any types of undue promises or offers of
money or other benefits. |
All persons ensure the utmost confidentiality in relation to any and all data andinformation that are part of the Company’s assets or regard the Company’s activities, inaccordance with the applicable laws and regulations, as well as with internal procedures.The Entity’s personnel are also required not to use any confidential
information for purposes that are not connected with the exercise of their activities. |
Resolution of conflicts ofinterest
All persons are required to promptly inform their superiors or responsible persons of any situations or activities that may involve a conflict between the interest of the Company and the interest of any such persons or their close relatives, as well as in all other caseswhere significant reasons of convenience may be involved. All persons
shall comply with any and all decisions made by the Company on the matter. |
Selection of personnel
Personnel are recruited based on the correspondence between candidate profiles andvacant job profiles/company requirements, giving equal opportunities to all interestedparties and acting in full compliance with the applicable law (in particular with articles4 and 8 of Italian Law No. 300/70).
Information is requested strictly for the purpose of assessing a candidate’s ability tomeet the required professional, psychological and skills profile, respecting the privacy ofhis/her private life and/or personal opinions. The Company adopts appropriate measures to avoid any possible favouritism and/or preferential treatment in personnel selection activities. |
Entering a work contract
Personnel are hired on proper employment contracts or other legally admissible types ofwork contract; no form of irregular work is tolerated.
Upon entering a work contract, the person receives detailed information on: − the characteristics of the function or duties to be performed − legal and pay-related information − standards and procedures to be complied with for the purpose of avoiding anyoccupational health risks. |
Management of personnel
The Company undertakes to protect the moral integrity of all persons and ensure thatwork conditions are respectful of their dignity. All persons must be treated with equalrespect and dignity and must be given the same opportunities for professionaldevelopment and career growth. The Company avoids all kinds of discriminationtowards its personnel.
Just like at the selection stage, when it comes to personnel management and growthprocesses, decisions are made based on the correspondence between required profilesand personnel profiles (for example when deciding on a promotion or a transfer) and/or on merit-related aspects (for example, when deciding on the assignment of bonusesbased on results achieved). Access to positions and assignments is based on competencies and skills. Compatibly with an efficient work flow, flexibility in work organisation is promoted, to |
accommodate the needs of pregnant female workers and/or persons who need to lookafter their children.
Personal assessments are made involving an extended number of persons, includingsuperiors, the HR function and, in so far as possible, all other parties who have engaged in relations with the person under assessment. |
Physical integrity and personal protection
The Company protects its workers from all acts of violence, including psychologicalviolence, and opposes all kinds of discriminatory attitudes and/or behaviours.
The achievement of personal targets must be assessed fairly, based on clear-cut criteria, to be used to evaluate a person’s skills, as well as his/her contribution. Results achievedmust be duly recognised. In particular, in accordance with the European framework agreement on harassment andviolence at work of 26 April 2007 and the Confindustria/CGIL-CISL-UIL declaration of 25 January 2016, the Company regards as unacceptable any and all acts and/or behaviours that may be classed as harassment or violence in the workplace andundertakes to adopt adequate measures against perpetrators. The terms harassment or violence shall be construed to have the meanings set out in theabove-mentioned agreement, as reported below: “Harassment occurs when one or more worker or manager are repeatedly anddeliberately abused, threatened and/or humiliated in circumstances relating to work.Violence occurs when one or more worker or manager are assaulted in circumstancesrelating to work. Harassment and violence may be carried out by one or more managers or workers, with the purpose or effect of violating a manager’s or worker’s dignity, affecting his/herhealth and/or creating a hostile work environment”. The Company also recognises the principle according to which personal dignity may notbe violated through acts or behaviours that may be classed as harassment orviolence and that harassment or violence suffered in the workplace must be reported.Everyone in the Company must strive together to maintain a work environment inwhich personal dignity is respected and interpersonal relationships based onprinciples of equality and mutual correctness are promoted, including in observance ofthe above-mentioned agreement of the European cross-industry social partners of 26April 2007 and the joint declaration of 25 January 2016. All persons are required to comply with these principles in their activities andrelationships and to cooperate with the Company for their safeguard. Any and alldiscriminatory acts must be immediately reported to the managers and/or responsiblepersons, without fear of any kind of retaliation. A person who believes that he/she has been harassed or discriminated against forreasons related to his/her age, sexual orientation, race, health, nationality, politicalopinions, religious beliefs or similar may report these facts to the Supervisory Body, inaddition to his/her responsible persons. Disparities are not classed as discrimination if justified, or justifiable, on the basis ofobjective criteria. Different pay or pay level for similar job duties will not be regarded as discrimination. |
Distribution of HR policies
Personnel management and work organisation policies are made available to all
persons, through the conventional systems (e.g.: emails, organisational documents and notices prepared by the persons in charge). |
Maximisation of potential and training of human resources
Managers maximise the potential of all workers in the Company, using all availableinstruments to promote their development and growth (i.e.: shadowing of expertpersonnel, experience covering positions with greater responsibilities, training).
Training is carried out in groups or individually, based on the specific professionaldevelopment needs. In addition, remote training activities (via the Internet, Intranet or CDs), if available, may be undertaken by all personnel at their discretion based on |
their interests and outside the normal working hours.
Management of time and personnel
Managers are required to optimise the use of work time, requesting services frompersonnel that are consistent with their duties and the relevant work organisation plans.
Requesting - as a duty towards the higher-ranking individual - services, personal favoursor other acts that may be classed as a breach of this Code of Conduct is regarded as an abuse of a position of power. |
Involvement of personnel
Insofar as possible, the Company strives to get personnel directly involved, including
by getting them to take part in discussions and decisions that are instrumental to theachievement of the Company’s objects. |
Reorganisation of work duties
If work duties need to be reorganised, the value of human resources is protected, byproviding the necessary training and/or professional requalification as required. TheEntity implements the following criteria:
− the costs of the reorganisation of work duties must be distributed as uniformly aspossible among personnel, consistently with an efficient and effective pursuit of theCompany’s objects; − in case of new or unforeseen events (which must, in any case, be clearly indicated),individuals may be assigned different tasks than previously performed, having careto take into account, where possible, his/her professional competencies. |
Health and safety
The Company undertakes to provide a work environment that is able to safeguard thehealth and safety of its personnel.
The Entity undertakes to spread and consolidate a culture of safety, raising awareness on risks and promoting responsible behaviour by all persons. The Company also strives to protect, especially through preventive actions, the health and safety of all workers,contractors and third parties. All persons are required to comply with internal regulations and procedures on theprevention of risks and the protection of health and safety and promptly report anydeficiencies or failures to comply with the applicable legislation. In particular, the Company provides the following underlying guidelines on thebehaviour to be observed in relation to occupational health and safety:
b) assess risks that cannot be avoided;
c) combat risks at source;
e) keep up to date with the state of the art;
f) replace hazardous systems with non-hazardous or less hazardous systems;
The above principles are referred to by the Company for the purpose of adopting thenecessary measures to protect the health and safety of its personnel, therein including in terms of professional risk prevention, information and training, as well as of thepreparation of the necessary organisation and equipment.
Particular attention is given to training and information activities on health and safety risks and implementation measures. |
Protection of privacy
With reference to the personal data of its personnel, the Company complies with theprovisions of Italian Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 and EU Regulation No.2016/679, as applicable.
All persons are given a privacy policy statement on the protection of personal data,indicating: the purposes of the processing and the means used, a list of the parties towhom the data are communicated, if any, as well as the necessary information toexercise the right of access referred to under article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree No.196/2003. When so required by the law, persons are asked consent to the processing oftheir data. We do not conduct any research on the ideas, preferences, personal taste or, in general,the private life of our employees or contractors. The Company may adopt systems to monitor use of company means and systems, in compliance with the applicable law. |
General principles
All persons must behave loyally, complying with the obligations they have entered
into in their work contracts and the provisions of this Code of Conduct, and providing the services agreed. |
Management of information
All persons must be familiar with and observe company policies on informationsecurity, with a view to protecting their integrity, confidentiality and availability. Allpersons are required to prepare their documents using a clear, objective and exhaustivelanguage, allowing their colleagues, superiors and authorised external
parties to conduct the necessary verifications as required. |
Confidentiality of company information
Company information and know-how must be maintained under the utmostconfidentiality.
All persons who are not expressly authorised to answer questions or supply materialsrequested by external or internal parties are required to seek instructions from therelevant responsible persons and act accordingly. Should it be necessary to handle important, confidential or financial information, theappropriate measures must be adopted to protect its confidentiality, based on thespecific content. Both during and after termination of the work relationship with the Company, confidential information may only be used exclusively in the interest of the Companyand not to one’s own advantage or to the advantage of a third party. |
Confidential information on third parties
The Company’s personnel must only use legal means to obtain confidential information on third party companies or entities. Those who, as part of a contractual relationship,learn confidential information on other parties should use such confidential informationexclusively as intended under the contractual relationship in
question. |
Conflict of interest
All company personnel are required to avoid situations in which a conflict of interestmay arise, as well as to abstain from obtaining personal advantage from businessopportunities of which they have learnt during the performance of their duties.
Should even just the appearance of a conflict of interest arise, the person in question must immediately inform his/her responsible person or the Supervisory Body. |
Unlawful remuneration, giftsand business entertainment
The Company’s personnel are forbidden from accepting or receiving any type ofpresent, reward or other form of gift that may influence his/her actions in relation to theperformance of his/her work duties.
The above may not be circumvented by resorting to a third party. Small gifts of a low value (such as for example Christmas gifts) are permitted. Anymember of the Company’s personnel who receive gifts or benefits other thanpermitted must inform their responsible persons for the necessary actions to be undertaken, including in terms of communication of company policy to third parties. |
The Entity undertakes not to discriminate arbitrarily against any of its customers.Assessment based on pre-set criteria such as membership of Confederation of ItalianIndustry (Confindustria) or similar standards does not constitute discrimination and
may be used as a preference standard for the selection or verification of offers. |
Contracts and communications with customers
All contracts and communications with the Company’s customers must:
- comply with the applicable legislation and not constitute circumventionpractices or malpractices; |
- be complete, ensuring that no relevant element is missed out, for the customer
to be able to make an informed decision. |
Personnel’s behaviour towards customers
The behaviour adopted by the Company’s personnel towards customers must beinformed by principles of accessibility, respect and courtesy, with a view to creating a relation of cooperation and high professionalism on all levels.
Protection of personal data
The Company places great importance on the protection of its customers’ personal data, in compliance with the applicable legislation. It also undertakes to comply, inaccordance with the applicable law, with all communications by customers regarding
the use of their personal data, as permitted. |
Selection of suppliers
Purchase processes are informed by principles of pursuit of the Company’s best interest, the granting of equal opportunities to suppliers, loyalty and impartiality. The selection of suppliers and the definition of purchase conditions are based on the objective assessment of the quality and price of the goods or services sold, as well as on the support and promptness of response guaranteed, without prejudice to any pre- setpreference criteria.
In any case, the Company reserves the right to request confirmation of the following:
- possession of the certifications required under the applicable laws and/orregulations, if any;
- any additional certifications or proof that may be required or appropriate forthe management of the specific relationship. |
Integrity and independence in relationships
Relationships with suppliers, therein including any and all relationships arising out offinancial and/or consultancy agreements, are kept under continuous monitoring by theCompany.
All documents exchanged with suppliers must be duly kept on file. In particular, all accounting and/or tax-related documents must be kept for the periods of time prescribedunder the applicable legislation. |
Ethical compliance ins upply-related activities
With a view to ensuring conformity of supplies with its ethical principles, the Company, if it deems it necessary, may introduce requirements of a social nature in relation tospecific supplies.
For this purpose, contracts with suppliers may include clauses providing for:
production units and/or operating facilities for the purpose of verifyingconformity with the above requirements.
Dominant position
The Entity undertakes not to abuse of its dominant position, if applicable, outside of
the normal commercial relations. |
Protection of personal data
With regard to suppliers too, the Entity undertakes to protect the related personal
data, using them within the limits established by the applicable legislation. |
Choice of partners
Commercial partners are chosen based on cost-effectiveness and organisational
criteria, with no discrimination due to sex, race, political, trade-union related orreligious opinions. |
Contracts and agreements
The Company undertakes, both at the preparatory and contract conclusion stages, tomaintain relations that are informed by principles of correctness and accuracy andtruthfulness of information, in compliance with the applicable law.
Information and guarantees relating to the performance of the contractual relationshipmay be requested. Similarly, the Company requests that partners provide accurate and truthful informationon their personal and financial situation. The Entity also undertakes to provide information and details on the proposed contractual clauses. |
Behaviour of the parties
The parties, in the performance of the contractual relationship, must behave with loyalty and correctness, avoiding any behaviour that could cause prejudice to the other partyand informing the other party of any circumstances that could jeopardise
the continuation of the relationship. |
Protection of privacy and confidentiality
The parties are required to maintain the utmost confidentiality on the informationthey come to learn during the contractual relationship.
Processing of personal data must take place in compliance with the applicable legislation. |
Commercial relations ingeneral
The Entity will act on the basis of the above principles in all its commercial andpartnership relationships in general, including international relationships.
This Code of Conduct must be observed at all locations where the Company operates,including where its prescribed behaviours are not required by local laws andregulations. Local laws and regulations must be made known to all concerned personnel and complied with. |
Accounting transparency
For the purpose of guaranteeing transparency and completeness of accountinginformation, all documents relating to accounting facts and supporting accountingrecords must be clear, complete and correct and must be kept on file for futureinspection. Accounting records must reflect the information described in said supportingdocuments and must specify the criteria that have been adopted to quantify
any values that are based on assessments. |
General meeting of equityholders
The general meeting of equity holders is the privileged moment for the establishment of a fruitful relation between the Company’s equity holders and its governance bodies(Board of Directors).
The governance bodies are required to accurately prepare and promptly distribute anyand all support material as may be required for the equity holders in general meeting to be able to make informed decisions. The regular presence of governance bodies at general meetings is ensured. |
Protection of company capital and reserves
Resources available must be used in conformity with the applicable law, the Articles
of Association and the Code of Conduct, for the purpose of increasing andstrengthening the Company’s capital and reserves, with a view to protecting the |
Entity, the equity holders, the creditors and the market.
For the protection of the Company’s capital, it is forbidden, except as expresslypermitted by the law, to return capital payments (in any way) or to free shareholdersfrom their obligation to make such payments or to distribute profits that have not been effectively earned or which must be set aside under specific reserves under the law. |
Correctness and loyalty
The Company intends to maintain relations with the Public Administration that arebased on the utmost transparency and on ethical behaviour. Such relations, which must take place in observance of the applicable legislation, are informed by principles ofcorrectness and loyalty, never jeopardising the integrity of the parties.
Personnel must abstain from undertaking any type of behaviour that could unduly affectthe impartiality and/or independence of judgement of the Public Administration. Particular care must be taken in any and all activities that regard tendering proceedings,contracts, authorisations, concessions, licences, requests for public funding (nationalgovernment or EU). Should the Company need professional consultancy services from Public Administration employees, the applicable legislation must be strictly complied with. |
Gifts, presents and benefits
No member of the Company’s personnel may offer money or other financial advantage or other type of benefit to a member of the Public Administration for the purpose ofobtaining contracts or other advantages for themselves or for the Company.
No gift is permitted that can be viewed as going beyond the normal commercial and/or courtesy practices or as in any way aimed at obtaining preferential treatment in respect of any activity that can be linked to the Company. In particular, any and all kinds of gifts to public servants, or their family members, that could unduly affect theirindependence of judgement for the purpose of obtaining preferential treatment orundue services or advantages are strictly prohibited. The above may not be circumvented by resorting to a third party. The Company abstains from hiring, as employees or as consultants, any former PublicAdministration servants, or their relatives, who have personally and actively taken part in business dealings with the Company or have played a part in satisfying any requests made by the Company to the Public Administration, for a period of at least two yearsfrom the conclusion of said business dealings or submission of said requests by theCompany. All gifts offered must be duly documented to allow for the necessary verifications andauthorisations by the function manager and/or other responsible persons to take place.Copy of the relevant documentation (e.g.: transport document) must be kept on file. Should a member of the Company’s personnel receive, from a member of the PublicAdministration, expressed or implied requests for benefits, with the exception of small gifts of commercial use and of a low value, said member of the Company’s personnelmust immediately inform his/her superior or responsible person for the adoption of the necessary actions. |
Initiatives involving thePublic Administration
If it deems it appropriate, the Company may support public programmes seeking toachieve benefits and advantages for the public community, as well as the activitiesconducted by various foundations and associations, in strict compliance with the
applicable law and the principles of this Code of Conduct. |
Financial relations withpolitical parties, trade unionsand associations
The Company does not provide funds to political parties, or their representatives orcandidates, in Italy or abroad, not does it sponsor congresses or festivals that have aclear purpose of political propaganda.
The Company refuses to be subjected to any pressure, whether direct or indirect, fromany political figures. For example, it does not accept any recommendations for hiring,nor does it enter into consultancy agreements with similar purposes. The Company does not pay any contributions to organisations with which a conflict of interest may arise (e.g.: trade unions). However, the Company may cooperate, includingfinancially, with these organisations for specific projects, provided the followingconditions are complied with: - clear and documented appropriation of resources; - express authorisation by the competent functions within the Entity. |
Contributions and sponsorships
The Entity may decide to accept requests for contributions from non-profit entities andassociations having proper articles of associations and memorandums of associations and bringing a high cultural or charity value or involving a large number of citizens.
Sponsorship of social, environmental, sports, entertainment or art activities is permitted only for high-quality events or for events in which the Company can take part in the initial design stage, so as to ensure originality and effectiveness. When choosing whichrequests to accept, the Entity is especially careful to avoid any possible conflicts of interest, on a personal or company level (for example, family ties with the concernedparties or links with organisations that could, because of their role, favour the Company’s activities. |
External communications
All company communications towards its stakeholders, as above, are based on respect of their right to be properly informed. In no case may false or tendentious news orcomments be divulged.
All communication activities must comply with the applicable laws, regulations andprofessional conduct practices and must be carried out in a clear, transparent and promptmanner. All forms of pressure or solicitation of a favourable attitude by the media are forbidden. In order to ensure completeness and consistency of information, the Company’s relations with the media are to be held exclusively by the dedicated functions. |
Control on confidential information
Particular care is taken in the external communication of documents, data andinformation regarding company events that are not publicly known and may, if madepublic, affect the Entity’s activities. Communication of said information must bepreviously authorised by directors or by the dedicated managers.
In no case, in the handling of information, behaviours may be implemented that may favour the impoverishment of the Company’s assets or cause undue personal advantages or advantages to a third party. |